Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Declaration Of The Treaty Of Versailles - 1133 Words

Foster 1 World War II ended in 1945, but it affected so many people that it is taught in schools; the thought of having another World War is terrifying. Imagine having the world thrown into that much chaos, causing so much destruction again. To avoid another World War people need to learn what caused them. The whole purpose of the Treaty of Versailles was to promote peace and stop the wars, but in the end all it did was create another World War. Many predicted the result of the weak treaty, but people didn’t listen to them. Jan Christian Smuts, a South African statesman, wrote to British Prime Minister David Lloyd George: â€Å"This treaty breathes a poisonous spirit of revenge, which may yet scorch the fair face- not of a corner of France, but of Europe.† A French General who had been involved in World War I named Marshal Foch stated, â€Å"This is not peace. It is an armistice for twenty years† (Reynaud 457). Ignoring them was Alfred Lord Milner, the British Colonial Secretary. He even proceeded to call the Treaty of Versailles â€Å"the peace to end peace.† The â€Å"Big Four† were four men who were deemed to be the most wise, intelligent, and powerful in the conference. The â€Å"Big Four† was the U.S. and its President Woodrow Wilson, France and its leader George Clemenceau, Great Britain’s David George, and Italy, who had the least amount of power in the conference of the â€Å"Big Four†. Foster 2 George Clemenceau was the most dynamic of the group. Born in 1814, he spentShow MoreRelatedThe Declaration Of The Treaty Of Versailles Essay1182 Words   |  5 Pagesthought out plan, however many other countries like France and Russia wanted vengeance on Germany. With great objection, Germany signed the treaty. The nation was deemed responsible for the war, leaving Germany feeling oppressed by the other nations. 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