Monday, February 17, 2020

Ethics Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Ethics Case - Essay Example Yet, employees might find it even more difficult to report unethical transactions or behaviors directly to their superiors, which makes hotline accessibility a better practice. Employee hotline would be helpful to report other issues such as harassment and breach of employee rights. Bringing to light all wrong doings in an organization is also a type of control mechanism to adhere to expected standards of ethical conduct; and, whistle blowing is certainly one of them, which makes it an ethical practice. Besides job responsibilities, employees hold the moral and ethical responsibility of protecting the company’s image and reputation, which can be accomplished by implementing ethical conduct and strong control mechanisms. The external vendors and suppliers form relationship with the company for business purposes and not with employees though employees are only a medium for communication and transaction. Whistle blowing with respect to transactions between the purchasing agents and vendors will not only set the right example for others but also warn the vendors and suppliers of their position and relationship with the organization. In order to safeguard their relationship and business interests, vendors will ensure ethical and legal transactions with the co mpany eventually, lest they can be replaced by others from the market. Hence, whistle-blowing should be regarded as ethical and employees must be encouraged to highlight any unethical instances in the business. These ethical practices in the long run will also help the company in achieving better outcomes, sustainability and better reputation in the market, which will help the company in its future growth. In order to encourage usage and increase the effectiveness of hotline in a smaller organization, it would be better to partner with external hotline facility service providers, like the EPS Employee Hotline Program. After establishing a hotline service, the management has

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